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The Psychoanalysis of Fire

The Psychoanalysis of Fire

The Psychoanalysis of Fire


Gaston Bachelard, trans. Alan C. M. Ross | Beacon Press 1964

“[Bachelard] is neither a self-confessed and tortured atheist like Satre, nor, like Chardin, a heretic combining a belief in God with a proficiency in modern science. But, within the French context, he is almost as important as they are because he has a pseudo-religious force, without taking a stand on religion. To define him as briefly as possible – he is a philosopher, with a professional training in the sciences, who devoted most of the second phase of his career to promoting that aspect of human nature which often seems most inimical to science: the poetic imagination …” – J.G. Weightman, The New York Times Review of Books

132 pp | 5.5 x 8.5 in. 
